More Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S Will Be Launched

After “record-breaking” pre-orders, Microsoft announced that more Xbox Series X and S units will be available when the console launches on November 10.

The official Xbox Twitter account “We are humbled by the record-breaking demand for Xbox Series X and S. Huge thanks to everyone for the excitement. If you weren’t successful today be sure to sign up with retailers for updates and expect more consoles to be available on November 10. ” said.

When pre-orders were launched, demand reached a peak and caused havoc at a number of major online US retailers such as Best Buy and Amazon, and many retailers reported that consoles are out of stock. The sales rank of the Xbox One X also saw a significant increase in Amazon. This brought to mind that many users may have mistakenly purchased the current generation console instead of the next-generation Xbox Series X.

Xbox Series X retails for $499 USD and Xbox Series S does for $299 USD. Both consoles are coming on the 10th of November.

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