We don’t know if it’s for sure yet, but there is a new report which says Bloodborne TV show is being made by HBO that will tell the events of Bloodline.

Bloodborne is a PS exclusive game that was released back in 2015, and it’s known for being hard. But recently we just heard about a five-year-old gamer beating the game on his own, which was very interesting.

Considering how the storytelling of Bloodborne is, it may not be the best video game for a TV show. The game is based upon storytelling that is mostly focused on gameplay elements, and well, it’s gameplay that we’re talking about, and as for TV shows, you WATCH them.

Looks like HBO is interested in extending their partnership with Sony as seen from this new report. Well, if it’s actually true, I’ll be waiting to see how this will end up like.

At the end of the day take all of this with a pinch of salt, because we don’t know what exactly is going to happen in the future. The Hashtag Show claims that the series will be like Dread or The Raid in terms of structure. They have guessed some stuff correct in the past but still, it’s a claim after all.

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