Microsoft recently pointed out that they heard the feedback from the users. So, they decided to add new features to Windows 10. In the upcoming update, the Fall Creators Update, Windows will have many new options and improvements along with a new GPU monitor implemented in the Task Manager.

GPU Monitor, Xbox improvements and many more

As far as we can tell, the GPU monitor will focus on GPU memory usage and other physical informations. That means that this new feature will not be as detailed as some other third party programs. It will be, for sure, useful to have a feature easily accessible in the Task Manager to track the GPU status. But as Microsoft warned already, you shouldn’t expect a fully functioning feature as it is still on development.

Apart from that, this new update will include many other features. These are improvements in Windows Edge, Xbox live communication problem solutions and many more. If you would like to get more information, you can go ahead and check out the official Microsoft page.

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