First-Person Horror Game from Ex-Bioshock Devs – Perception

The most comforting statement of all times must be ‘from ex-BioShock developers’

If you’ve played BioShock, you know that every time we see these words we can’t contain ourselves. BioShock was a splendid experience in every aspect and we can’t help but expect something near to that quality.

This time ex-BioShock developers, The Deep End Games is on our agenda with something totally different. Perception is a first-person narrative horror adventure game. But, if you are thinking that this is a mere horror adventure, I say that you’ve never been so wrong.

Perception is set in a abandoned house and yes, I except that this is a popular concept when it comes to horror games, but being blind surely is not. Perception puts players in the shoes of a young blind woman named Cassie and she uses her extraordinary hearing and razor-sharp wits to unravel the mysteries of an abandoned estate that haunts her dreams.

Cassie uses echolocation to see. That means when you create a sound, you will be able to sense and detect the objects around thanks to the sound waves they reflect. Cassie uses a cane to make the sound and equipped with a smart phone.

If there is no sound, you are in pitch black. And when Cassie uses her cane to create sound, you can only see the environment for a short time. Just a glimpse of what is around you, and that is all. You know, pitch black wouldn’t disturb Cassie since she is used to it, but it will annoy you at most. This one brilliant idea puts you in a more awkward position than Cassie’s.

Fresh blood is what this genre needed the most for a long time, and Perception is the fresh blood which will create a totally different experience for us.

Thanks to Gamespot, we can share the release date trailer with you. Perception will hit PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on May 30th.

Sssshh, something is coming!

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