Ghost of Tsushima’s online co-op mode, which announced first in August, is coming to the game with patch 1.1 on October 16. Along with being free, this game adds some requested features such as New Game+ mode and the ability to create and equip various load-outs.

The new online co-op mode, Ghost of Tsushima Legends, has a story that is different from the original game. It includes new enemies and characters from Japanese mythology and allows up to four players to play together. This mode has new trophies, gear, and cosmetics that are special to it; players can unlock them with gameplay. Moreover, New Game+ gives a new horse to players and allows them to restart the game with all their abilities, charms, and gear they already have. The update also adds armor load-outs, which makes ‘creating specific load-outs attached to the different armors they own in-game’ possible. Each innovation that we mentioned will be available once the players download the 1.1 update on October 16.

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