Unravel Two is the sequel to the 2016 game Unravel, the highly adorable puzzle platform game. Unravel Two is developed by Coldwood Interactive and published by Electronic Arts under the EA Originals label.

This time, Unravel Two offers both single player and multiplayer, though local co-op only. Two protagonists of the game must work together in order to beat the puzzles. You can control either two yarns in solo gameplay or one of them in multiplayer.

From June 26 – July 30, you can go ahead and try Unravel 2’s first two chapters for free. According to the announcement, two chapters will take you 10 hours to complete. If you decide that you like the game and purchase it during this given time, your save progress will be carried over to your game.

For the free demo, you can visit here: PS4, XBOX One, Origins for PC.


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