Do you ever think your cat doesn’t even care about you? Well, if you do, we encourage you to think again. Because it’s actually quite the opposite. You might ask how, and our answer comes from a study held by PLOS One, which was reported by The Animal Rescue Site.
A team of students from Kyoto University has found out that cats use specific hints and clues in their house to find out where their owners are, and as long as their owner is at home, it doesn’t matter which room they are staying in.
This study featured an experiment where the students would record the cats’ owners’ voices of calling their name out, and some other complete strangers too. This would allow them to spot the differences between the cats’ reactions when they hear the recordings.
The experiment shows that the cats are surprised most when they hear their owners’ voices, and this actually is a sign of confusion because they would see their owners leave the room beforehand, so this would make them question the source of the familiar voice they are hearing.
“Results showed that cats were surprised when their owner appeared to be ‘teleported’ to a new, unexpected location, but they did not react in the same way when tested with non-social stimuli,” the report says, “These results suggest that cats hold a mental representation of the unseen owner and map their owner’s location from the owner’s voice, showing evidence of socio-spatial cognition.”