Dave Prowse, the actor of Darth Vader from Star Wars movies, has passed away at the age of 85. This was a shock for Star Wars fans all around the world. Dave Prowse has played the role of Darth Vader with James Earl Jones, who did the voice acting. His 50 years of actor career will never be forgotten as it will be remembered, especially as Darth Vader.

Dave Prowse’s agent Thomas Bowington shared his thoughts of Propse with BBC.

“Though famous for playing many monsters – for myself, and all who knew Dave and worked with him, he was a hero in our lives.” he said, “May the force be with him, Always!” he stated the tragedy as “a truly and deeply heart-wrenching loss for us and millions of fans all over the world”.

Rest in peace, and may the force be with you, Dave Prowse!

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