Being evil in games fun, probably because the popular culture floods the scene with the plastic tales of synthetic heroes. There are a lot of games that gave us the choice of being good or evil, but nearly all the time the line between good and bad were unrealistically thick: “If you are good, you are the hero. If you are evil, you are the hero again –while being aesthetically dark.” Nonsense. There are a few games out there that can keep the balance without praising chivalry and heroism while creating “morally gray” characters and choices; and a great number of those games are developed by the good people in Obsidian (heh).
Tyranny, a new isometric RPG game from the creators of Pillars of Eternity, KOTOR II and Fallout: New Vegas; is coming with an interesting story aspect: The setting is a world in which the evil won, the good have slaughtered and the regime is led by the Overlord Kyros, the leader of this evil army. We, as players, will designate the fate of an officer of Kyros and with the power in our hands, we will decide what to do with the citizens of this world: Will we encourage loyalty or sow fear in the hearts of men? It is up to us. With a non-linear story, what we are going to do is really up to us.
Here is the trailer, enjoy:
In the meantime, Paradox Interactive gave us the day we’ll lay our hands on Tyranny: November 10th. It will be out for Windows PC, Mac and Linux simultaneously.
Here are some screenshots. Enjoy & stay tuned!