Prime Video has announced their upcoming adult-animated anthology series, “Secret Level,” during the Gamescom Opening Night Live global livestream. Created by the minds behind Love, Death + Robots, the series will feature 15 original stories set in the worlds of beloved video games. Premiering exclusively on Prime Video on December 10, Secret Level will bring together more game IPs in a single series than ever before. The show promises to take viewers on an unforgettable journey into iconic gaming worlds. The stories will be inspired by the following games:
- Armored Core
- Concord
- CrossfireDungeons & Dragons
- ExodusHonor of Kings
- Mega Man
- New World: Aeternum
- PlayStation (Highlighting various PlayStation Studios beloved entities)
- Sifu
- Spelunky
- The Outer Worlds
- Unreal Tournament
- Warhammer 40,000