Halo Studios, formerly known as 343 Industries, has recently canceled the development of a sequel to Halo Infinite, titled Halo Infinite 2. The project was initially in development using the Slipspace Engine but was halted following a leadership change in late 2022, prompting a shift to Unreal Engine 5. Rebs Gaming reported that the creative team dedicated time to learning Unreal Engine 5 before significant layoffs in January 2023 impacted their operations.

The Halo franchise, launched in 2001 with Halo: Combat Evolved, has sold over 81 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. The latest installment, Halo Infinite, received a mixed reception, with a Metacritic score of 87 for the Xbox Series X and 78 for PC, reflecting both praise for its multiplayer experience and criticism for its campaign structure. User comments often highlight the game’s stunning graphics and engaging multiplayer but also express disappointment over the campaign’s perceived lack of content.

As for pricing, Halo Infinite is available for around $59.99, with additional content and season passes available for purchase. The future of the franchise remains uncertain, particularly regarding the next Halo game’s direction. The campaign team has voiced feelings of being unsupported and isolated, and there are indications that campaign content may be contracted out without plans to establish a new internal team.

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