Randy Pitchford, the writer of Borderlands and Gearbox’s CEO has made it clear that Borderlands Movie’s universe won’t be the same as Borderlands videogame universe.
Recently Pitchford posted a tweet making clear that the movie’s plot was different from the original plot of videogames. For example, it introduced a new character that was not in the video game series. The Atlas, main antagonist.
This caused lots of debates around the fans and Pitchford responded by saying “The Borderlands Cinematic Universe is not identical to the Borderlands Videogame Universe. We are authentic to characters, tone, and style, but allow for independent storylines. The mediums are not the same, so the content should not be bound to the same rules.”
TheCreepyPasta wrote “Aaaaah now I get it! So many theories to explain a weird cast and age discrepancies, only to prove again that the simplest answer is often the right one: they never ever tried to adapt the story of the franchise in the first place.” in the comment section.
Do you think that it will be a good movie, or do you think that it will end up like the other video game movies that were really bad at representing the game franchise?