Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will eventually allow for fashion-specific removal options for PC Modern Warfare, in a news story allowing PC storage systems to sigh to comfort the whole world. The update will also include a fix.
Players will eventually get rid of the absolute disk-space-eating monster that Modern Warfare has become, thanks to the 1.28 update. The mods that the players will use will be available for installation. The Production Director on Modern Warfare, Paul Haile, made the announcement.
The size of the game reached the point that it could no longer fit on a 250 GB SSD, earlier this month. Initially, it was already big at 175GB, but it turned out to have got bigger. With co-op mode and games-as-a-service battle royale within, it was clear that Modern Warfare would get bigger. This was planned for on console, where players have been able to install one mode at a time for a while. But PC gamers lost this feature while moving Call of Duty from Steam to the Battlenet client.
It’s not clear what else will be included in the update exactly, but it looks to be the best patch for PC players.