Razer is running a new prepaid card program in partnership with Visa, and if you’re wondering how the gaming peripheral maker will mark something so mundane compared to their usual offerings, LED lighting is the answer.

Taking a cue from Apple, the Razer Card combines the option of making digital payments with a virtual card and payment app (Razer Pay) with a physical numberless card that you can carry in your wallet or purse. If you’re going the second route, you can choose between the Standard card or the Premium card if you want the Razer’s logo to glow green when paying.

The new prepaid cards offered through Razer Fintech, Razer’s financial technology arm, give net users 1 percent cash back on certain purchases and 5 percent on products purchased from Razer’s online store. And there is a “gamified” reward system in the game.

Razer said, “Unlike traditional cards loyalty programs, access a unique gamified rewards system through the Razer Pay app, where users go through a personalized experience to track, score and redeem rewards based on tasks and daily transactions.”

Most of you will have to wait because there is a beta testing process available to only 1,337 people in Singapore before it is fully released.

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