Do you guys remember the first time Fallout: New Vegas was released? Or let me ask like this: Do you remember the time when your favorite franchise was ruined by the company who was the creator of your second favorite franchise (The Elder Scrolls) was re-created by the studio in which the developers of your first favorite franchise worked? This long and pretty much ineligible sentence is enough to express my feelings about Fallout franchise. Today we have good news for those who feel like me and would love having a game to experience Fallout: New Vegas again.
Before everything else, I would like to say that I am both happy and sad about Bethesda buying the legal rights of Fallout franchise. Bethesda know what they do when they create an open-world RPG game. The Elder Scrolls series are the best examples for that. But when it comes to Fallout, something was not right. And it is still not ok.
But anyways! Our news today is about the re-creation of Fallout: New Vegas in Fallout 4’s Creation Engine. We had already covered the first announcement of the project. And today, we proudly present to you the new gameplay video along with a couple of screenshots:
Enjoy the video and the screenshots fellas and stay tuned for more!