Not so fast, my love.

Well, it’s only been one week since Beautiful Doom version 6.2.0 launched. And now we have Beautiful Doom version 6.2.1. You can’t stop Jekyll_Grim_Payne. Don’t you dare.

According to modder Jekyll_Grim_Payne, version 6.2.1 will unlock the weapon sets from player classes. With a simple option, you will be able to enable or disable the enhanced weapons. You can chance the option by following these steps: Options > Beautiful Doom Settings > Player Weapons.

Beautiful Doom 6.2.1 Mod for Original Doom is Now Available

Along with the weapon update, the comes a major bug fix. Pain Elementals can no longer be resurrected by Arch-Viles. Yay! The modder also spent some time in order to make blood look prettier. Well, you know what I mean. Now they will look more real.

Also, Plasma Rifle’s muzzle flash now better matches the color of plasma projectiles in the mod.

You can go ahead and download the mod from here.

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