A Star Citizen does not grow up easy.
If a game makes too many promises, it is prone to fail, proven by experience. We know that from a lot of games, a lot of developers who had too much of an enthusiasm about their works, and a lot of publishers which has prosperous marketing departments.
Star Citizen seemed to be one of those games at first glance, because the words given by the developers were about immense features never before seen in space simulator genre: Detailed ships with interiors in which we can fight in FPS module, economy, trade, space fights, glorious visuals, planetary landings, etc. It is hard to believe, but Star Citizen may actually deliver its promises (mayybe because of its gigantic Kickstarter success), and Cloud Imperium Games had just released a video to raise the stakes even higher. Here:
Moon landings, planetary speeders, rovers and more. What will Space Citizen become in its full release, we’ll see. There’s a saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none”, but people tend to forget the full phrase, ending with “but better than the master of one.” We certainly hope that Star Citizen will deliver the full phrase, for the sake of a lot of unimpressed space simulator lovers.
Stay hyped!