Well, it is hard not to get inspired by Resident Evil these days.
B.O.W. Qin is a 3D artist who is working on a Resident Evil project right now and it looks gorgeous. B.O.W. Qin answers the question of how Resident Evil could look in Epic’s engine. Like I said, it looks gorgeous, but these projects usually excite us and left us hanging since we can’t play it.
This time, B.O.W. Qin decided to turn this project into a full functioning game. It is true that the game is inspired by Resident Evil, yet there won’t be any references since copyright issues can be a problem.
There is still time for us to play this game, but first screenshots look promising. Here, take a look:
Here is the test screen:
We will be back with more detailed news about B.O.W. Qin Resident Evil project. Stay tuned!