It was one of those days that I was feeling down and too tired to do something. All the responsibilites were too much and I decided looking at some news while I was drinking my morning coffee. I was feeling bad about not doing anything productive. But I needed something to cheer up and give me the energy to move. And suddenly, I saw this video. It changed everything, put a smile on my face and my heart started beating like hell. Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil is a mod which allows you to explore the capital region of Tamriel. It is the dream… And a group of modders made it real. We love you modders. We really do…

They’re taking the Dohvakiin to Cyrodiil!

So what is so special about this mod? First, it offers a new map which is 1.5 times bigger than the Dragonborn DLC. It features new quests, more than 20.000 dialogue lines, new items, new spells, new creatures… but most importatly, it offers a new experience for Skyrim maniacs out there. (hi!)

Imagine taking your Dohvakiin to the heart of Tamriel, Cyrodiil. Imagine what you felt when you played Oblivion was recreated with Skyrim’s graphics engine. And imagine that beautiful green plains…a dream is coming true fellas.

First step of a future legend

Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is the first part of the project Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil. What does that mean? It means that this huge add-on is only the first step of a bigger project. You will start from the border between Skyrim and Cyrodiil. And, as we can imagine, you will continue exploring the whole area with the future updates.

For now, the only thing we know is that the first part of the project, Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, will be available on 1st of July 2017. And with a beautifully made video, modders made me have the chills. Here it is mates:

Beyond Skyrim: Bruma - Launch Announcement

Lastly, I would like to inform you guys that the modder team is looking for people who are interested in helping them with the project. So if you want to give it a try, go ahead and check out their forums. For the future projects and an interactive Tamriel map, visit the main website. And after the video, as a dessert, lay your eyes on these beauties:

We still have 3 weeks before we can put our shaking hands on the mouse to explore the new areas. Until that time, enjoy the video and the screenshots fellas.

Stay tuned for more news about this jewel!

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