“Leaves falling from trees / Snow drifting onto the ground / Life leaving your corpse.”
Before getting started, I must warn you that Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games and I may not contain myself through this article. If you don’t like Borderlands series, I strongly suggest you to try it with your friends on co-op.
On April, Gearbox has officially confirmed that Borderlands 3 is coming. And suddenly there was hope, there were rainbows and nothing hurt. Gearbox didn’t give any details, but the confirmation was enough to excite us. After all, we were still shaking with the news of the Borderlands movie.
Borderlands’ unrealistic art style may not excite some of you, but there is a certain warmth to it. Today, games look more and more realistic, even more realistic than real life. Even Lara Croft’s hair looks perfectly real now. And, her boobs look real for a long time now. Anyway, Borderlands series mostly stand out amongst others with unique non-realistic art style, fun-to-play characters (specially Zer0) and amazing co-op mode.
After a dull wait, Gearbox broke the silence with a tech demo showing off Borderlands 3 with Unreal Engine 4. According to this video, Borderlands 3’s art-style will be similar to the previous games and even get more beautiful.
You can watch Randy Pitchford, CEO and president at Gearbox, explaining how they are using Unreal Engine 4 to create Borderlands 3’s art-style.
I vanish!