Nintendo’s new console Switch is shown in the reveal event happened last night. What we have learned? We rounded them all up for you, just for you; our beloved readers!

Technical details, prices & stuff:

Firstly, the Nintendo Switch box will contain:

  • The console itself
  • The Nintendo Switch Dock (Nintendock?)
  • 2 Joy-Con Controllers (L&R)
  • Joy-Con wrist straps
  • Joy-Con charging grip
  • An HDMI cable
  • An A/C adaptor

The “Pro” controller that we’ve seen in the videos will not be included in the package.

Secondly, what will be the prices? The original package contains all the necessary equipment as we can see. But what if you want to buy two more controllers? Let’s see:

  • Nintendo Switch console (including the items above): $300
  • Nintendo Switch Pro controller: $70
  • Joy-Con controllers (2 controller box): $80
  • Joy-Con (L or R, single): $50
  • Joy-Con charging grip: $30
  • Dock Set (including Dock, HDMI cable & A/C adaptor): $90
  • Joy-Con Wheel (2 wheels box): $15

Apart from these, it is said that the console will have touch controls and will support up to 8-players co-op. The Joy-Cons will have IR, synchronised with an IR motion sensor; to support hand gestures and motion control. Also these controllers will come with a built-in “HD Rumble“, a vibration device that is able to stimulate different situations with precision. Joy-Cons will be able to scan Amiibo, and apperently they’ll have a lot of buttons on them:

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And stuff: The battery life will depend on the game, varying between 2.5 to 6.5 hours. There will also be 3 modes of the console: TV mode, Handheld mode and Tabletop mode. We saw them all in the video, but now it seems that these modes will change the control schemes of certain games.

Finally, the game prices will probably around $60, as we’ve learned that the big players like Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wind and Mario Kart 8 will be at that price.

The games:

  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Xenoblade Chronicles was a weird, anime-style RPG game wich was released in North America in 2012. The fans were waiting for a sequel for years, and the director Soraya Saga states that it will be coming in 2017. Here is the trailer:

  • ARMS: This game will use all the motion-control advantages of the Joy-Con. With your character, you’ll beat your opponents in coop, v.s or single-player. To be successful, you will need a lot of real muscle power, as we can clearly see in the video. So get up, you lazy gamer:

  • Super Mario Odyssey: GTA Mario? Liberty City: Mario Stories? No, this is not a GTA mod, this is an actual Mario games ladies & gentlemen; and it looks great! Mario leaves his Mushroom Kingdom and comes here (quite a fall, huh). Not only here, but a desert land, a creepy forest; and another place that I couldn’t be able to resemble to anything. Here is the video we uncontrollably threw our hats when watching:

  • Splatoon 2: A cruel, multiplayer, inkfest shooter. There is not much to tell, watch the video with its annoying music:

  • Ultra Street Fighter 2: Well, it’s Street Fighter 2 but wilh Evil Ryu and Violent Ken… Ehrm. It also lets you choose between pixelated and HD graphics:

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Well, this is it for now. Nintendo switch will be available on March 3, 2017. Stay tuned for more info and don’t forget to comment!


(Sources: Gamespot,, Reddit)

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