It’s gonna be goooood.
Environment Artist John Eyre and his friend are now working on a project which Doom lovers will enjoy a lot. One look is enough to see that this project going to be smooth.
They are currently working on recreating the firs level of Doom 2‘s in Unreal Engine 4. According to the creator, this remake of the level will include everything which the original one had.
I’ve decided to try something a bit different to my usual. I have teamed up with a mate who is learning to code in UE4 and we are trying to recreate the first level of Doom 2. Secrets, bad dudes and all.
The focus for me is to get better at UE4, get better at level building and just get faster overall. The dream is to one day make our own 90s style shooter but baby steps first. I figured the best way to learn is by rebuilding from one of the best shooters of all time.
And if you are a character artist/animated and want to help John on his project, visit here.
Here are the screenhots of the remake. Enjoy!