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Rainbow Six Siege: Outbreak gets a new teaser trailer

The new update for the multiplayer – competitive title Rainbow Six Siege is almost here. Outbreak will be released on March 6th and will be available until April 3rd for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Before these dates, Ubisoft has released a teaser trailer to explain the background story of the upcoming update.

The CG trailer offers us the very beginning of the update explaining the situation in New Mexico. It looks pretty similar to the other outbreak and infestation scenarios. Well, at least the basics. The outbreak turns people into zombie like beings and it is possible the infestation spreads over Mexico if not contained. That is where your operators come in. Here, enjoy the video fellas.

Along with the main story behind the Outbreak, Ubisoft also released the different enemy types.

Unfortunately, not every single operator will be available for this update. You will be able to play the game with Ash, Smoke, Ying, Buck, Kapkan, Doc , Tachanka and Glaz. The update will also introduce two new operators.

We still have some time before we can enjoy the new update. So, until that time, enjoy the video fellas.

Stay tuned!

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