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Morrowind Rebirth – New Version Available!

Moddb’s “Best Mod of the Year” choice, Morrowind Rebirth certainly deserves the title. Developed since 2011 by the modder trancemaster_1988, Rebirth is a mod that does not necessarily delve only in the visual enhancements. Instead, it aims to give players a much more detailed and balanced gameplay experience with new NPCs, locations and items. It surely does justice ot its “overhaul” title, for it has the most detailed (and confusing) changelog ever: Main changelog, from 2013 (the more recent one is down below)

Anyway, it has a new version with a lot of fixes again, and it has a video; let’s watch it:

Here is the changelog of the version 3.9, it makes Morrowind better that it was ever been. Since it was called the “best Elder Scolls game ever”, think about what it can become with this overhaul. If you are expecting greater visuals or a combat system like Skyrim, you’ll be disappointed. This mod and Morrowind are for the hardcore RPG players guys & gals, sorry.

It still looks beautiful, though. Here is the feature list, taken from the project page. You can download the mod following the installation instructions:


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