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Gameplay Suggestions to Support ‘Rust’ Crossplay on Consoles

Gameplay Suggestions to Support 'Rust' Crossplay on Consoles

Gameplay for the console version of Rust has surfaced online and shows that crossplay between PlayStation and Xbox players is possible.

This version was rated at the beginning of the year and showed that Facepunch Studios were moving to deliver this version of Rust to their players. It’s odd to think about how much the game has changed from its humble origins as a DayZ clone. It is the third most popular game on Twitch where 120,000 viewers set the streams.

The console beta snippet for Rust is related to the Xbox version and has apparently been posted on a YouTube channel called Fx. The owner of the channel is clear that this recording is not theirs, but has taken action to anonymize the clips and the video is convincing. Before the game starts, there is a disclaimer for the beta that mentions that players should not share their experience with this version of Rust with anyone else.

The console version of Rust, which includes open-world gameplay, exploration, crafting, building, and of course war, doesn’t look too bad. The most interesting discovery is that there may be mutual gameplay between PlayStation and Xbox as seen in the video around 8:32 pm. There is a list of players active in Rust and each has a symbol next to their gamertag.

There is a symbol for the Xbox symbol and the controller. Ergo, the generic gamepad controller is predicted to be for PlayStation gamers, as PC gamers will likely be represented by a PC symbol. It is important to note that this is not approved or denied by the developer.

Last month, Facepunch Studios announced something called softcore mode that aims to alleviate the difficulty of the game for fresher faces. As a result, if a player is removed, half of their inventory can be recovered at the place where they died or at a retrieval terminal located in Bandit Town and Outpost. They respawn in safe zones (Bandit Town and Outpost) and players can only view an injured player’s inventory. “We believe this is a good starting point for a more comfortable Rust mode and we will continue to move forward,” the developer explained.

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