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World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic Begins This Year

World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic Begins This Year

After the success of World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard is preparing to move its MMORPG to the next expansion in its original form, with The Burning Crusade being released later this year.

The news was scheduled to be announced at this year’s BlizzCon event, which will take place online tomorrow, but a leaked early press kit revealed the expansion early on.

Burning Crusade was first released in 2007 and will add two new races to the playable roster of World of Warcraft Classic: Alliance Draenei and Horde Blood Elves. It raises the level cap to 70 and sends players to the broken world of Outland to fight the invading Burning Legion in areas such as the burnt Hellfire Penninsula, the swampy Zangarmarsh, and the mystical Terokkar Forest. It also brought flying, which allowed players to earn mounts that would allow them to fly across the Outland.

As with World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard plans to progressively release content from the original game, including the opening of Black Temple, Zul’Aman, and Sunwell.

However, Blizzard also plans to keep the original Classic experience for those who want it. Players will be able to choose when the expansion begins, whether they want to bring their Classic characters into The Burning Crusade expansion along with the rest of the server, or if they want to move them to a new server that will remain permanently in the original Classic.

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