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New Battlefield Game On Its Way Set For 2021

EA shared more details with the next game of the Battlefield franchise on the November earnings call. Thanks to that, we now know that the next-gen new game of Battlefield is coming in Holiday 2021.

“DICE is creating our next Battlefield game with never-before-seen scale,” stated EA in the call, “The technical advancements of the new consoles are allowing the team to deliver a truly next-gen vision for the franchise. We have hands-on playtesting underway internally.” The release has also been set for holiday 2021, more details about the game will be given in spring.

CEO of EA Andrew Wilson also shared what’s on his mind on the matter:
“We have rallied that entire studio around the development of Battlefield specifically. We’ve given them an extra year of development … to ensure that they can, in fact, build a true next-gen vision around that game. DICE is one of the most talented studios on the planet, and we’ve been able to add leadership from our EA Sports business in David Rutter who understands both live services and the rigor of development. We’ve brought in talent from across the industry who have really bolstered our belief and our confidence in our ability to launch that game next year, so lots more to come in the next couple of months.”

Since Battlefield V there hasn’t been a new game based on the franchise, the game would get content updates regularly from the developer, now we got some information on the next game of the franchise and will be waiting for what’s about to come. Battlefield’s next game will be released for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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