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Red Dead Redemption 2 is delayed and new release date is announced

Well fellas, we have both good and bad news. The bad news is that recently, Rockstar Games has announced that their upcoming, highly anticipated RPG Red Dead Redemption 2 is delayed to October 26th 2018. And the good news is that it is coming and will be polished entirely. Also, now we have an exact date to announce which is a good step forward.

As a PC user who is pretty jealous of console owners just because of this game, I should say that I am really sad to hear that delay. However, instead of getting a half complete game, it is always better to get a fully polished jewel, right? Well, to make you feel better, we share a couple of screen-shots fellas. There you go:

The game will be out for Xbox One and PS4 at the moment. PC version is still a mystery. Though I do believe, personally, that it will never happen; just like the prequel. But having hope cannot hurt… Right?… Right?

You can find the full announcement on Rockstar’s website fellas.

In the end, the only thing we can do is to be patient and wait for more information.

Also, as always, stay tuned for more news fellas.

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