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Don’t miss The Rockstar Humble Bundle which offers Manhunt, Max Payne and GTA titles

Here we are fellas, with yet another Humble Bundle…well, bundle. This time, the website covers the Rockstar classics and believe me, there are a tons of good games in the bundle. Let’s take a look at it shall we mates?

First of all, as the minimum price, if you pay $1, here is what you get:

For those who pay the average which is around $9.50 now, Humble Bundle offers:

Ant last but not least, if you pay the fair price which is $15, you will get:

The best part is, when you pay $9, you will get the first and the second bundle. And yes, if you get the ultimate package, you will have all the games listed above.

So go ahead and check out the website for the Rockstar Humble Bundle. And don’t forget that your money is going to good places. Funds raised by this bundle will go to support the Rainforest Alliance. This might be a good time to do something good for yourself and for the nature.

Stay tuned for more, and enjoy your cheap Rockstar games fellas!

Humble Bundle gives us a small cut if you purchase something through one of our unique links. You can read our partnership policy for more detailed information.

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