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The Witcher 3 Enchanced Edition mod improves combat mechanics and alchemy

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Hello there you RPG freaks. We continue to our journey of being mindless role-playing zombies with another news about The Witcher 3 mod. This time, instead of being a mod which adds new features, skins, weapons or transforming Roach into a my little pony character, we have a new mod which improves the combat mechanics in the game.

As many of you guys who played the game know, the combat in The Witcher 3 was a little bit underwhelming. I am not trying to say that it was bad bud compared to other features of the game it felt a little bit shallow. In any case, it let us focus on the story and the role playing part of the game, sure. But dodging, blocking and jumping around like a rabbit was not a satisfying witcher experience if you ask me. This is Geralt we’re talking about, the White Wolf and a legend. One only expects to gave more options in combat.

But anyways. I quit whining about my impossible to satisfy part about RPG games. I love this game and I do believe it is one of the best RPGs that was ever created. Our main story today is a modder, Reaperrz, who decided to make the combat system more challenging. As you can see in his Nexus page, the combat mechanics have been improved drastically. And to be able to show this to people like you and me, the modder has released a video:

The video itself shows the difference of course. However, there are more in this mod as the levelling is not available anymore. Yes, you heard me right. Instead of focusing on improving your skills, signs or your item levels, you will now have to focus on the actual combat.

There are absolutely no things in the game that are leveled anymore. Not the equipment, not the quests, not the enemies and not even Geralt.You can explore anywhere and take on anything at the beginning of the game with the potential to be successful in your endeavors instead of being completely barred from content.

No more slashing through enemies! You will have to focus on your moves. Additionally, there will be no auto-targeting anymore if you want to use this mod. You will have to aim yourself in order to do something. But these features are not the only things. Go ahead and check out the Nexus page in order to get more information about the mod. You will be impressed, believe me.

So, if you are interested in a more challenging combat, go ahead and download the mod. And don’t forget to give a ‘cheers mate!’ to the modder, he deserves it.

Also, stay tuned for more news!

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