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Hideo Kojima Has Something to Say about Death Stranding

At E3 2016, the least expected thing was the biggest surprise for us all. Last year, Hideo Kojima left us confused with a new announcement, Death Stranding.

After all these theories we’ve built about Death Stranding, the feeling remained the same. It was something magnificent and we had no idea what it was. It was the most symbolic thing we’ve seen and like it was not enough, there was a naked Norman Reedus. It was the time when people crated FAQ about Death Stranding.

After that, there came a teaser trailer which was a more detailed footage from the first one. After Norman Reedus, this time we’ve welcomed our beloved Meds Mikkelsen and Guillermo Del Toro. But again, this video created even more question marks and our expectations, questions and curiosity hit the roof.

Well, according to Hideo Kojima, Death Stranding will not be shown at E3 2017 since the studio is fully focused on development. But, wait! At least he didn’t leave us empty handed. He gave us confusion!

Even though the community plays the practical joker role and keeps posting about Jeff Bridges, there is actually a connection between this spiderweb and Death Stranding’s teaser trailer. Remember Guillermo Del Toro’s pin?

BRIDGES? UNITED CITIES OF AMERICA? There is something to ease the pain I guess, but Reddit is already boiling up with the news. Some of them even thinks that the image includes a morse code.

We will be back with more detailed news about Death Stranding!

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