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Leak: God of War release date

Is it true? Have gods really blessed us?

We don’t generally rely upon “leaked” release dates, but Amazon leaks generally turn out to be true. This time, Amazon listed the upcoming God of War game for a release date on December 29, 2017. Here is the page, here is the screenshot:

It seems a bit early, for we did not expect a new God of War game before 2018; but who knows what development stage Santa Monica Studio is on?

As a bearded Kratos, we’ll take our dim-witted son for numerous walks in the Nordic atmosphere of this new GoW title. Will we see Odin? Are we going to chase Norse gods into the depths of Valhalla? Even though the developers stated that the game will happen in a different timeline than Norse gods, we are expecting some gods at least.

There is no official comment yet, so stay tuned for more information!

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