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A New MOBA: Dropzone

A New MOBA: Dropzone

When it comes to MOBA, League of Legends and Dota are basically dominating the market but, it does not mean that there will be no other MOBA game, isn’t it?

Dropzone is a game that combines RTS and MOBA within 15 minute matches. It will not be competitive as LoL and Dota and it does not aim to that. It simply gives you the opportunity to enjoy a MOBA game that you do not have to spare a lifetime in.

It was on beta and on February 15th it is being opened for early access. For now, you can choose three of the five classes in game and try to dominate the area. There are some other rules in the game like clearing out the enemy camps and collecting a source called “Core” besides the missions of pushing lanes and destroying the enemy team’s Nexus. Its early access price is $20 and it will be released for free.

Here is a charming trailer, enjoy!

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