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A Stunning Star Wars Environment by Obsidian Developers is Available for Download

17 people from Obsidian Entertainment has created a stunning Star Wars environment in Unreal Engine 4 and it is exactly what you were craving for.

You must consider this project as an experiment and interactive fun art since Jason Lewis from Obsidian stated that it is to see just how much detail we can run on modern PC graphics hardware at acceptable frame rates.

The scene is really an experiment to see just how much detail (both polygonal and texture detail) we can run on modern PC graphics hardware at acceptable frame rates. As a result we are pushing some rather high polygon counts and texture sizes.

You can run around with a blaster (or a hidden weapon that you have to find) but we were unable to enlist the help of any character artists, so the only characters in the environment with you are a bunch of Astromech droids and a few Gonk droids. We are also working on a VR version as well as several people in the group have been playing around with Occulus and Vive VR kits, and we thought it would be cool to have a version that runs in VR, so we are currently trying to get that finished as well.

Here are the download links for the project:

And here are some screenshots you might enjoy!
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