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Enderal, a TES V: Skyrim Overhaul Mod is Due to Release Next Month

SureAI, a modding group known by the Oblivion mod Nehrim (another overhaul mod) were making Enderal: The Shards of Order since 2011. So, what what was their purpose? A lot of things, actually: A full open-world RPG experience, new locations, new art, voiceovers, an immersive scenario, and all of these are for free, if you own Skyrim. The trailer shows us a lot of features about the mod:

Enderal: The Shards of Order will release next week, but will only support German langauge. English version however, will be released in the following weeks. A particular release date was not shared with us, but we know that it is close. Check the video out, it is strongly exciting.

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