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Amazon’s Free Game Engine: Lumberyard

Amazon introduces a new AAA game engine and it is FREE!

Amazon Lumberyard is a free, class-platform, 3D game engine which is designed for us to create the games you always wanted to create. Lumberyard is prententious with its full featured editor, native code performance, and stunning visuals.

By starting game projects with Lumberyard, you are able to spend more of your time creating differentiating gameplay and building communities of fans, and less time on the undifferentiated heavy lifting of building a game engine and managing server infrastructure.

With Amazon Lumberyard, you can use the storage of the AWS Cloud and engage fans on Twitch. With the help of the Amazon Gamelift, you can quickly scale high-performance game servers up and down to meet player demand, and you will do it easily.

With Amazon Lumberyard’s visual scripting tool, your designers and engineers with little to no backend experience can add cloud-connected features to a game in as little as minutes (such as a community news feed, daily gifts, or server-side combat resolution) through drag-and-drop visual scripting.

The best part is that Lumberyard is free with no fees. The only money you will be spending will be the AWS service money.

Lumberyard is available on Beta today for PC and console games. Mobile and VR platforms will follow. If you want to have more detailed information and try the engine, you can visit here.

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