Bethesda Pinball is Now Available

Pinball tables based on Fallout, DOOM and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Previously, we have mentioned that Bethesda Pinball is on the way. Bethesda Pinball is out for Xbox, PSN, Steam, Mac and Windows 10 and will hit mobile platforms on December 8th from Zen Studios and Bethesda.

There is now a launch trailer for Fallout, Doom and Skyrim Pinball:

Here are what Bethesda Pinball offers:

  • Explore the secrets of the Wasteland in a world decimated by nuclear war, join Factions, raid Vaults and collect Bobbleheads on the Fallout® Pinball table.
  • Fight your way through the UAC research facility, taking on hordes of demons to earn the Demon Slayer name on the DOOM® Pinball table.
  • Craft weapons, wield magic, equip armor, buy and sell goods, mine materials, find trainers and complete side quests before defeating Alduin and fulfilling your destiny as the Dragonborn on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® Pinball table.
  • Leaderboards, score tracking, exciting social features, and more

You can go ahead and purchase it. Enjoy!

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