Battlefield 5 Brings Back World War 1

Ladies and gentlemen, I have some very exciting news for you! Liam Robertson has spotted a Swiss retail listing showing that Battlefield is truly coming this year and it is (probably) set in World War 1 years.

We are living in a time period which is slowly bringing the World War theme back. The first company who brought World War 2 themed game was Bulkhead Interactive (Battalion 1944). But it is EA‘s turn now!

You can check the Swiss retail listing below;

The game is described as being a “Mehrspieler Taktik Shooter im 1. Weltkrieg”(a multiplayer tactical shooter set in World War 1) by the listing. But the publisher has removed “World War 1” part a little later. Anyway we still can see the release date; 26.10.2016

It is quite surprising that EA is trying a different way. Maybe the company just heard our prayers and decided to make them come true. These are only rumors for now but EA already announced a new game for this year so let’s hope this is going to be happen.

We will share new information about the game as soon as we get one. For now all you need to do is staying in touch with us!

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